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Statement regarding the current Venezuelan situation




From the Hugo Chávez Frías command of Spain, a militant base political structure; made up of Venezuelans committed to defending, promoting and deepening the Bolivarian Revolution in Spain and Europe.

To the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, to the Venezuelan Chavista people, to the Venezuelan and foreign media, to all the revolutionary and progressive organizations of the world, we declare:

The past political and electoral results that have occurred nothing more and nothing less, that at the spearhead of one of the most important revolutions of this century in full development in Latin America and the world, deserve timely and pertinent reflections that derive propositional guidelines for the re-impulse of the Bolivarian project: our-Indo-Afro-American.

This text, not based on brainy analysis, or superb affirmations, only tries to make some critical-constructive approaches out loud, but with respect to the different perceptions about what happened.

The Bolivarian Revolution, driven by the creative force of our ETERNAL Commander "Hugo Chávez Frías", which has been the architect, to a large extent, of new walls against hegemonic power, through the consolidation of blocks and structures of cooperation and articulation. regional policy, the common development of the territory, the defense of sovereignty and against the so-called “New World Order”, has repercussions not only resonantly, through the media and the mass media, but also Its dynamic nature of material and spiritual transformations, through dialectics, politics and humanistic consciousness, has generated over time both reactions of accompaniment, commitment, sympathy or desire, as well as antagonistic effects, and it is to be expected, for historical reasons. linked to survival and supremacy that has been imposed since the times of the colonial lord and the feudal lord until today.

The present scenario and the aforementioned, summons us to all Venezuelan revolutionaries and / or progressive sectors of the world, committed and in solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, to collectively pose serious reflections for debate and action, not against the issue of Venezuela in isolation. , but seen as a fundamental part of a set of reborn forces in our Continent and the world, which rise up against the rusty chains of world economic Imperialism.

We all know that the scrutinies already known do not define either the orientation or the legitimacy of the revolutionary process, but rather that it places it in a new phase of the struggle; It is about the tactical reorientation for the launch of a new strategy, which should not choose any other path than the offensive, go forward, not without first making a political diagnosis that starts from a point prior to the electoral thing, which Go a little further back from the economic war, even before the death of Commander Chávez, to understand the causes and effects of what happened. The eternal commander tells us very clearly in his oral legacy that revision is important as a vital attitude of the dialectical process for the acceleration of the revolution in progress.

We consider that it is pertinent to introspect the Regional and Municipal, Ministerial, Diplomatic Missions (Consulates and Embassies) and the high government, as well as the political leadership of the parties that are part of the GPP, the instances of the popular power and the own Outgoing National Assembly.

As directed by President Chávez, our Strategic Commander:

"Apply the 3Rs" Review, Rectification and Reimbursement. Because the revolution is not static, nor linear, but it IS and should always be dynamic and changing, otherwise in dramaturgical lines it would be a very tedious and boring novel.

This dramatic change in events or turning point, immediately leaves us with a significant lesson, which indicates that it is important not only to win battles, but to accumulate experience and learnings, reaffirm ourselves, regroup, detoxify, measure and evaluate our weaknesses and capacities. strengths even in tests not passed FOR NOW! and achieve them with passion, dedication and chivalry in scenarios that we are even obliged to create; from the tactical point of the revolutionary popular struggle, in national and international instances for the next few seconds and surely for the rest of what remains of life, on this only planet where we forcibly inhabit unequal human beings, endangered species, overexploited resources and economic emporiums-secret families, who perhaps the product of our mental fiction, are thinking right now which planet to colonize to guarantee its survival and expand to other territories of the solar system and the milky way.

Let no one be wrong, when it is said - Chavismo lost - because it is not like that, our revolutionary process towards the leadership of socialism suffered a setback, which is a force that goes beyond a group of men or women in the middle of a temporary political circumstance. But let no one believe, when it is said -the opposition wins-, because whoever won this time is really the dominant powers of the world economy, anchored in the centers of political and military power of the United States government and its allies in old Europe. , the same ones that have generated throughout these years a conflict of different cycles and magnitudes in the Middle East and more recently in Syria, due to the obstinate obsession to seize the oil resources that are concentrated in those regions of the Arab world, but that they have not been able to channel or subtract and have left as a result wars and terrorism spread to other latitudes. For this reason and to satisfy its accelerated consumption model, the pertinent interest, increasingly desperate on Venezuela and its oil resources, proven as the largest reserves on the planet, which would guarantee not only a safe supply in 3 days of transport vs. . It takes 45 days from the Middle East to the US, otherwise it would presume to be cheaper oil or in a condition of highly preferential royalties, taking into account other antecedents in terms of economic relations between the northern country and ours during the called “IV republica”, that ghost that today crawls from the darkness of the past to try to take us back to the worst dumps in our history with the composition of the newly elected new assembly.

Undoubtedly, one of the issues that we must take into account for the moment of any analysis about what happened this past “6D”, where an important electoral event took place in Venezuela, is Who were we facing? In this sense, we clearly know that we are referring specifically to the factual powers of imperialist colonial capitalism, which are reduced as the last link in the chain, to that expression called the Mesa de la Unida Democrática MUD, who are simple manipulative operators of the great centers of power. world and those who today because of a solid and real democracy, built in these 17 years of revolution, in the midst of repeated expressions of fascist violence; it stands as the majority force elected in a popular way before an election system, supervised and coordinated by the National Electoral Council (CNE), the same one that the today "winners" have discredited on multiple and agreed occasions.

That space that today we call the National Assembly, is the bastion that has been the setting par excellence of the bipartisanship to bleed, oppress and sell our people during the times of the old bicameral Congress, which unleashed the so-called "Oil Opening", the same one that delivered shamelessly our energy resources to the North American economic sectors mainly, the same Congress that privatized all the basic strategic industries of the State, that of the Law of lazy and crooks: "shoot first and ask questions later." We are talking about the same old Congress, with the same old actors, today visually regenerated on television, who were accomplices of the Cantaura, Yumare and Amparo massacre, as well as the Caracazo or February 27, 1989, leaving more than 3,000 dead. hands of the repressive bodies of the state with total impunity, in the face of a society that reacted fed up and famished, lacking essential basic services such as water, electricity, transportation, with 80% extreme poverty, rising prices, blatant corruption, in general a people lacking all human rights and execrated from the system. This enclosure largely represents the dark place from where the decomposition and ruin of our country was hatred. It is to this state of siege, where they want to make us return. 17 years ago, the Bolivarian Revolution put an end to that old CONGRESS to make way for the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, a new structure and a new political way of making laws, from where we have achieved important conquests for our people. The first great task was to re-found the nation through a new constitutional legal order, which gave way to the popular street constituent assembly, the organized sectors of the entire country, discussing in depth the articles of the new Magna Carta, which later the power constituted in popular elections (Deputies), was formed with new political actors emerging from the revolution, as well as other encrypted political actors from the past recognized by the majority; They debated and sanctioned the new legal document which was immediately submitted to popular consultation through a consultative referendum, being approved by the majority of the people in 1999 with more than 67% acceptance. Thus, during the next decade, the creation and modification of laws that guarantee education, health, laws for the recovery of our strategic resources, inclusion laws and social protection such as the labor law, the women's law, the children's law, girls and adolescents, land law, etc. Laws and regulations that guarantee the human rights of all Venezuelans without distinction of creed, race, social condition or gender.

The National Assembly has been a propitious space to generate important changes to our revolutionary transition under construction and with a firm path towards a socialist system, but it should be noted that both its structure, operation and conception respond with serious roots to the old architecture of democracy. representative, which in turn is still largely the architecture that sustains the old capitalist state that has not yet completely died, but which also does not allow the new to be born. We refer to Communal Power, as an expression of real power at all levels, government, production and defense. Perhaps there we could find an element to consider for any reflection regarding the errors committed not only in the scenario of the last electoral campaign, but in more fundamental matters, such as the superstructure that supports the process, that is, by On the one hand, the state apparatus and its operation, and on the other, popular power as the sole and guarantor structure that supports the revolution as a whole, as a whole and its parts.

After passing the bitter drink of that bolero that we dance in disgust, the ideas, reflections, proposals come lucidly, but all are clearer and more coherent when they are derived from experience and popular wisdom. We see very correctly some analyzes that emanate from street assembly, or better still, from active constituent power in constant revolutionary transformation, which has been and must continue to be the enhancer and dynamizer of the changes in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. No constituted Assembly, despite the popular will of a majority portion, can be placed against the interests of peace, development and freedoms of all Venezuelans in general, including themselves in their idyll towards suicide and even less of the necessities. of the most humble I have invisibilities of yesterday, today converted into active subjects of transformation and protagonists of their destiny through the empowerment, awareness, participation and inclusion that they enjoy thanks to a government system that is in the obligation and the commitment to attend to it and place it at the center of all changes, to guarantee the full enjoyment of all the fundamental human rights enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights and signed by our government; As our Constitution indicates, the same Constitution that the opposition and its political and paramilitary operators also ston and burn when they cannot find a way out within their context.

It should be noted about any analysis and considerations of the process, as has been their behavior in previous events, the people of Venezuela all, showed their true democratic vocation through their participation and roots for the peace of the Republic, so they must to forcefully counterbalance all the myths of the supposed dictatorship established in the country, manifested above all from the foreign media and by some ultra-right neoliberal politicians, mainly from the US, Spain and Colombia; being the SAME, who have pacts and economic interests with the Creole oligarchy of our country.

The opposition obtained 7,700,000 votes, and only grew by 200,000 votes compared to the previous electoral event that occurred just a year ago. The forces of the Great Patriotic pole obtained 5,600,000 votes, 1,900,000 fewer votes, which should have a very clear reading; The opposition sectors remain alienated from some leaders not out of conviction but because of a kind of fanaticism that has led them from defeat to defeat due to the absence of ideas and projects to repeated failures, accumulating frustration and unconscious or unconscious desire, therefore they only respond to revenge and accumulated rage; We say this because it is strange that with all the programmed economic warfare, the media war propaganda from abroad, and the inflated briefcases from Washington, they didn't get much more discontent funneled into their ranks. Rather, we perceive that the tough revolutionary militancy remains intact and irreducible in its commitment to the new homeland project, only a portion of Venezuelans who have accompanied the process with their vote in these years, who are also directly affected by everything that happened. decided not to vote, we are talking about 1,900,000 compatriots who expressed themselves with their non-participation.

Although it has directly affected us and has a shocking impact, in this new phase, it is important to assess this trend and all the others to correct what has to be corrected, we are talking about attacking corruption, patronage, inefficiency, sedation , etc. Launching ourselves in a homogeneous way towards a great efficient communication campaign, creative and pedagogical work to not only recover 1,900,000 compatriots, but to add many more. For example, there was a portion close to a 25% abstention measure, almost 5 million Venezuelans who did not vote, among Chavistas who were overcome by the war that is still ongoing and the so-called "NI-NI", neither Chavistas, nor opponents , apolitical, approximately 3,000,000 citizens who decide to stay out of politics, whom we have not known how to seduce, or make love or give the dogs! as we say Creole. Surely many of these people and many others who did not vote for the patriotic project, have been impacted by the benefits that the revolution has produced; with 1,000,000 homes given to Venezuelan families to which they are not asked which party they belong to, or perhaps by one of the more than 3,000,000 retired grandparents, or health, or education guaranteed free of charge and universal, or perhaps some of the more than 2,000,000 young university students who are trained to serve the country, in short, many of them, to whom the revolution will surely reach directly and even being included without distinction, our discourse, which is The way we verbally present our project does not convince them, it does not attract them, well, to invent formulas to go after all those who are undecided, insecure, upset, on the other side or apathetic and to integrate them through awareness and action to this great work, because it is also their responsibility, both the creation and the preservation and defense.

"Morality and lights" are our first needs, said Bolívar in 1819 in the framework of the Congress of Angostura; Today more than ever we consider morality and education important, as fundamental pillars of any revolution, for this reason we are all called to permanently review and study topics such as:

Bolivarian Socialism and its dimension.

The New Socialist Ethics.

The Cultural Counter Hegemony as a nucleus of popular resistance.

The Communal Administration.

Participatory Democratic Planning and

The New Socialist State.

In the same way, it is prevailing in the face of future long battles, to clearly configure our fighting structure, which is the mass that makes up the backbone of the body of the revolution, as well as, we must be very clear about the characterization of the enemy in the first place, second, what do we defend? third, what do we intend to conquer? and fourth, how? That is to say the action plan!

No revolution is easily built, ours has had to face multiple attacks as constant over time. The glorious people of Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Miranda, Antonio José de Sucre, Manuela Sáenz, Pedro Camejo (first black), Guaicaipuro and other warriors, have managed to confront with firmness the forceful attacks in the middle of a fourth generation war to the one that until now we have managed to get out of the way almost undefeated with 18 electoral contests in favor, except for two setbacks, the constitutional reform and these elections of December 6, 2015, from which today we have to learn about the administration of the defeat for the offensive that we have to develop from now on so as not to lose any more spaces freed by the revolution.

We are the people who resisted and rose up on April 13, 2002 heroically defeating a media-bosses coup d'état, driven from the lair of the Pentagon's Falcons. We did it in the street with our naked souls of rebellion and threatened and cornered dreams, since then we learned that this is our fight scene par excellence, from there we resist a Cyber-Trónico oil coup, directed from the intelligence centers of the government of the US in 2004, in the street but in peace we defeated the guarimbas or violent actions in upper class urbanizations with fascist components in 2006, in the street we defeated the “arrechera” that the losing presidential candidate Capriles Radownski ordered to unload in 2013 through a conditioning semiotic discourse of violence that ended with the death of 19 compatriots. We overcame with pain, but on the street, the tragic physical loss of our Commander Chávez in 2013. Also on the street, in that majestic playing field that we know perfectly well, we defeated more recently the so-called "exit", a destabilization plan to get out of the Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro, who this time threw 43 Venezuelans killed as a result of fascist violence directed by irresponsible politicians; Leopoldo López, María Corina Machado and Antonio Ledezma among others, during January and March 2014. We know that we have fought important and epic battles for our definitive emancipation and some other important conquests in terms of social rights in the last 200 years in our Continent. ; These conquests have not been easy to achieve, on the contrary, the pages of its history are written in blood and fire, and perhaps there is the key to understanding to some extent an important formula to win in these next and very close new battles. the common historical enemy. Only re-affirming ourselves in the conviction that we are heirs and defenders of a heroic pro-independence and Latin Americanist legacy that commits us to fight until we win with high morale, leaving even our own lives planted, just as our liberator Simón Bolívar and our indigenous ancestors, for preserving that precious conquered asset, which they can never take from us again and which we can never renounce, such as our Freedom and Independence.

Let there be no doubt, our Venezuelan and Latin American people have shown great signs of their conviction to fight as the only path towards the possible horizon of peace, a path with very long and complicated paths, but which we will travel to guarantee the GREAT COUNTRY to the children of our children, whatever the cost!




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